Semiconductor And Electronics Parts Search Engine

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Datasheets of Semiconductors & Electronic Parts

    InputV90-132/180-264Vac; outputV18.5V; 150-600W; 30-120A autoranging AC-DC switcher
  • SJ2817
    5 V, +/-25 ppm, ECL crystal clock oscillator
    RadHard MSI. Triple 3-input AND. TTL compatible I/O level. Lead finish solder.
  • AGM1232G-FLFW-T
    0.3-7.0V; 13.0mA; dot size0.40 x 0.45mm; dot pitch0.44 x 0.49mm; liquid crystal display
  • MAS17501LC
    Radiation hard MIL-STD-1750A execution unit
  • 5962R3829436BXX
    Radiation-Hardened 8Kx8 SRAM SMD. Total dose 5E5 rads(Si). 75ns access time. QML class Q. Lead finish optional.
  • F2813-23P
    Rectangular MCP and assembly series. For detection and imaging of electron, ions, VUV lights, X-rays and V-rays mass spectroscopy, energy spectroscopy and high-speed response CRTs
  • ACM2402B-FLFH-T
    0.0-6.5V; 5x7dots with cursor; 24characters x 2lines; dot size0.60x0.65mm; dot pitch0.65x0.70mm; AZ display
  • CAT93C5611KI-28TE13
    2K 2.85-3.0V Supervisory circuit with microwire serial CMOS EEPROM, precision reset controller and watchdog timer

Electronic Part Catalog