Semiconductor And Electronics Parts Search Engine

AlltheIC is a free site that provides datasheet of semiconductors,electronics parts manufacturer directory and electronic components. electronic part supplier directory includes semiconductor manufacturers line card.

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Datasheets of Semiconductors & Electronic Parts

  • 1.5FMCJ75
    Surface mount transient voltage suppressor (TVS). 1500W peak power, 5.0W steady state. Breakdown voltage 67.5V(min), 82.5V(max). For bidirectional use C or CA suffix.
  • P3504UB
    320 V, multiport sidactor device
  • QL8050-7PQ208M
    Low power FPGA combining performance, density, embedded RAM.
  • CAT93C8621U-25TE13
    16K 2.55-2.7V Supervisory circuit with microwire serial CMOS EEPROM, precision reset controller and watchdog timer
  • CAT93C5614SI-28TE13
    2K 2.85-3.0V Supervisory circuit with microwire serial CMOS EEPROM, precision reset controller and watchdog timer
  • LS6U1M-5R/PG-T
    Surface mountable illuminated switch. Thickness 5.0mm. Operating force 1.18N. Lighting color red/pure green. Taping (standard mode).
  • M38C89E6-FP
    RAM size 2048bytes - single chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
  • 74ACT11374DBLE

Electronic Part Catalog