XX1001-BD-EV1 Datasheet, PDF, Circuit Diagram, Application Notes

XX1001-BD-EV1 Application,Package,Pin

Application : 18.0-21.0/36.0-42.0 GHz GaAs MMIC Doubler and Power Amplifier

Manufacturer : Mimix Broadband

Package :

Pin :

Datasheet PDF

Application : 18.0-21.0/36.0-42.0 GHz GaAs MMIC Doubler and Power Amplifier

Manufacturer : Mimix Broadband

Package :

Pin :

Datasheet PDF

Application : 18.0-21.0/36.0-42.0 GHz GaAs MMIC Doubler and Power Amplifier

Manufacturer : Mimix Broadband

Package :

Pin :

Datasheet PDF

Application : 18.0-21.0/36.0-42.0 GaAs MMIC Doubler Power Amplifier

Manufacturer : MIMIX

Package :

Pin :

Application : 18.0-21.0/36.0-42.0 GaAs MMIC Doubler Power Amplifier

Manufacturer : MIMIX[Mimix Broadband]

Package :

Pin :

XX1001-BD-EV1 Circuit Diagram And Pic

XX1001-BD-EV1 Suppliers